Różne przydatne idiomy w języku angielskim (B2) – English Idioms

Lipiec 1, 2022 Agata Pruszyńska

Seria wakacyjnych wpisów nabiera tempa, dlatego dzisiaj zapraszam Was na kolejną porcję przydatnych idiomów angielskich. Wszystkie moje ostatnie wpisy bazują na postach, które do tej pory regularnie pojawiały się na moim fanpage’u na facebooku oraz moim instagramie. Są to głównie:

  • idiomy,

  • słówka dnia,

  • całe wyrażenia,

  • synonimy,

  • słownictwo biznesowe.

W dzisiejszym wpisie znajdziecie zestaw różnych idiomów w języku angielskim, które do tej pory mogliście śledzić na moim instagramie. Po części teoretycznej zapraszam Was na część praktyczną, czyli ćwiczenia. Znajdziecie je tutaj – Różne idiomy angielskie (B2) – Ćwiczenia.


Różne przydatne idiomy w języku angielskim (B2)


Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - give something a whirl(1) GIVE SOMETHING A WHIRL = is an informal expression often used to talk about our attempts. We can also use HAVE A CRACK AT DOING SOMETHING (spróbować czegoś)


➡ 1. I gave tennis a whirl but it was a mistake.

➡ 2. I’m going to have a crack at learning French.






Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - a slip of the tongue(2) A SLIP OF THE TONGUE = is a minor mistake in speech (przejęzyczenie). When we’re dog-tired, we’re more likely to make a slip of the tongue.










Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - to put the finishing touches to(3) TO PUT THE FINISHING TOUCHES TO something = nadawać ostatnie szlify, wykańczać

When you put the finishing touches to your project for instance, it means that you complete it by adding the final improvements to it. The result of your work is satisfactory and you’re totally content with it.






Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - the icing on the cake(4) THE ICING ON THE CAKE = makes a good situation even better

E.g. I was promoted yesterday but executive perks were the icing on the cake.








Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - to pass an exam with flying colours(5) TO PASS AN EXAM WITH FLYING COLOURS = to pass it with excellent results (zdać egzamin śpiewająco)

E.g. Today I’ve got something for students who are diligently preparing for the exam session. I wish you all to pass all your exams with flying colours! Good luck!








Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - to take pride in something(6) TO TAKE PRIDE IN SOMETHING = is quite useful in everyday talks. It means to be proud of something. For example, we can take pride in our achievements or abilities (być dumnym z czegoś, chlubić się czymś)

E.g. She takes pride in working for charity.











Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - don't jump to conclusions(7) DON’T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS = DON’T LEAP TO CONCLUSIONS (nie wyciągaj pochopnych wniosków )

– We can say: Don’t jump to conclusions when we don’t want somebody to guess about a particular situation without enough information and details.

➡ 1. Maybe she isn’t the nicest girl in the world, but she’s certainly not your enemy.

➡ 2. Please don’t jump to cnoclusions. Get to know her better and you’ll see for yourself.





Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - to extend a warm welcome to somebody(8) TO EXTEND A WARM WELCOME TO SOMEBODY = means that we greet somebody cheerfully and enthusiastically (serdecznie kogoś powitać)

E.g. All employees extended a warm welcome to our new Chief Executive Officer.








Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - with a flourish(9) WITH A FLOURISH = spectacularly & extremely (z rozmachem)


➡ 1. Last summer she arranged her wedding with a flourish.

➡ 2. Last year the company started off with a flourish. Now it makes a lot of money every year.






Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - at three o'clock on the dot(10) AT THREE O’CLOCK ON THE DOT = AT THREE O’CLOCK SHARP = promptly, punctually (punkt trzecia)


➡ 1.Let’s meet at three o’clock on the dot.

➡ 2. Lesson begins at eight o’clock sharp.








Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - He's the cuckoo in the nest(11) HE’S THE CUCKOO IN THE NEST = means that he’s unwelcome and his presence is undesirable. We can use this expression when we talk about an unwanted intruder (niepożądany gość)


➡ 1. I didn’t invite him to my birthday party but he came anyway and he was the cuckoo in the nest.

➡ 2. Her presence was absolutely unwanted in yesterday’s meeting. She was the cuckoo in the nest.





Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - to see something with your own eyes(12) TO SEE SOMETHING WITH YOUR OWN EYES = zobaczyć coś na własne oczy

– When you see something with your own eyes, it means that you see something yourself. It’s quite useful phrase to express our amazement and disbelief.

Another useful phrase is SEE FOR YOURSELF (sam się przekonasz)


➡ 1. I didn’t believe him at first, but then I saw it with my own eyes.

➡ 2. You will see for yourself that left-wing party will win an election.





Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - in broad daylight(13) IN BROAD DAYLIGHT

– Many things, usually bad things, can happen in broad daylight (w biały dzień)


➡ 1. He shot six people in broad daylight.

 2. I was robbed in broad daylight.

 3. It was already broad daylight when he was completing his project.






Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - to look on the bright side(14) TO LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE (of things) = patrzeć (na sprawy) optymistycznie

– When you look on the bright side, it means that you’re optimistic about something despite difficulties. The situation may be bad but you still see the good points.


➡ 1. She always looks on the bright side of things. Her optimism is contagious.

➡ 2. Why are you so gloomy about everything? Our position could be much worse. At least once try to look on the bright side of things!





Blog o języku angielskim - Idiomy w języku angielskim - to be the life and soul of the party(15) TO BE THE LIFE AND SOUL OF THE PARTY = być duszą towarzystwa

– This expression refers to a person who is really sociable and outgoing. They love spending time with other people and entertaining them.


➡ 1. Peter is very lively and good at mixing with other people. He’s definitely the life and soul of the party.
➡ 2. Hannah is such a gregarious person who is always full of energy and enthusiasm when we throw a party. She’s certainly the life and soul of the party.





(16) A FLASH IN THE PAN = słomiany zapał

– We use this expression when we want to say about something which happened only once and it’s unlikely to last or to be repeated.
Another meaning of this idiom refers to something which is interesting for people but only for a short time (chwilowy, jednorazowy sukces)

➡ 1. At first she had great results, but then she didn’t do anything, so it must have been just a flash in the pan.
➡ 2. Apparently his achievement was a flash in the pan because he’s never succeeded in anything else.







(17) TO BURN THE MIDNIGHT OIL = to work late into the night (pracować do późna w nocy)

➡ 1. She looked so tired this morning. I think she had been burning the midnight oil.
➡ 2. Don’t burn the midnight oil this night, please. It always disturbs my sleep.














(18) TO BURN ONE’S BRIDGES = to do something which can’t be reversed in the future. There is no possibility to come back to this situation in the future (spalić za sobą mosty). We can also say TO BURN ONE’S BOATS

➡ 1. Whenever you leave your organization for different reasons, it’s important not to burn your bridges.
➡ 2. Her behaviour was outrageous. I think that she’s burnt her bridges for good.



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