Idiomy w języku angielskim – porównania ze zwierzętami (B1/B2)
Lipiec 27, 2017 Agata Pruszyńska
W języku angielskim chętnie używanymi wyrażeniami są krótkie porównania idiomatyczne, które sprawiają, że język jest bardziej żywy. Dzięki nim wyrażanie naszych myśli jest łatwiejsze i bardziej obrazowe. Niektóre z tych porównań mogą wydać się na pierwszy rzut oka dziwne, niespotykane i niezrozumiałe. To jedna z trudności występująca w nauce idiomów w języku angielskim. Musimy nauczyć się, co znaczą oraz kiedy możemy ich używać. Na szczęście część z nich jest używana w typowych sytuacjach, a ich znaczenia możemy się domyślić, przez co łatwiej je zapamiętać i poprawnie stosować. Dzisiejsza lista porównań odnosi się do opisu cech charakteru. Wszystkie porównania mają wspólny punkt odniesienia, a mianowicie nawiązują do zwierząt. Aby ułatwić zapamiętanie idiomów, wykorzystałam zdjęcia oraz przykładowe zdania z poszczególnymi idiomami.
Mam nadzieję, że dzisiejsza lista idiomów będzie dla Was użyteczna, a po części teoretycznej zapraszam Was na ćwiczenia, które dla Was przygotowałam. Znajdziecie je tutaj – Idiomy angielskie ze zwierzętami – Ćwiczenia.
Oprócz samodzielnej nauki języka angielskiego polecam również kompleksowy kurs angielskiego online, który jest prowadzony przez doświadczonego nauczyciela języka angielskiego.
#19 idiomów angielskich ze zwierzętami#
#1 as mad as a hornet
= extremely angry (zły jak osa, wściekły jak diabli)
➡ 1. Stop acting like that. It makes me mad as a hornet!
➡ 2. After he had found out the truth, he was as mad as a hornet.
#2 as blind as a bat
= have poor eyesight, be unable to see well (ślepy jak kret)
➡ 1. I need my glasses. Where are they? Without them I’m as blind as a bat.
➡ 2. If you don’t stop sitting long hours in front of the computer, you will become as blind as a bat.
#3 as brave as a lion
= very brave, not afraid of anything or anybody, intrepid (odważny jak lew)
➡ 1. The wicked flee when no one pursues; but the righteous are as bold as a lion.
➡ 2. He wasn’t afraid of anybody, he was as bold as a lion.
#4 as busy as a bee
= very busy and active, hard-working (pracowity jak pszczoła)
Another expression can be used as well – (AS) BUSY AS A BEAVER.
➡ 1. I have to go to sleep right now because tomorrow I will be as busy as a bee.
➡ 2. She’s been as busy as a bee recently. She’s had lots on her plate.
#5 as cunning as a fox
= very clever, exceptionally shrewd, wily, artful, tricky (chytry jak lis, przebiegły jak lis)
Another way to use this simile is ‘(AS) SLY AS A FOX’.
➡ 1. I wouldn’t trust him if I were you. He’s as cunning as a fox.
➡ 2. He thought he was sly as a fox embezzling money but finally the police caught him red-handed.
#6 as fit as a fiddle
= very healthy, full of energy, very strong (zdrowy jak ryba)
➡ 1. My grandma is as fit as a fiddle. She rides a bike and swims despite being 95.
➡ 2. I used to be fit as fiddle, but now I’m in failing health unfortunately.
#7 as free as a bird
= completely free, you can do what you want, you don’t have any worries or troubles (wolny jak ptak)
➡ 1. Julie is as free as a bird because she hasn’t got any worries.
➡ 2. I’ve been travelling for two years and that makes me free as a a bird.
#8 as gentle as a lamb
= mild-mannered, very calm and caring (potulny jak baranek)
We can also say ‘(AS) MEEK AS A LAMB’.
➡ 1. Peter is as gentle as a lamb. He has never hurt anybody.
➡ 2. I love people who are meek as a lamb. They are always very kind to everyone.
#9 as greedy as a wolf
(łakomy jak wilk)
Other expressions with the same meaning are:
#10 as hungry as a bear
= famished, very hungry (głodny jak wilk)
Another expression with the same meaning is: (AS) HUNGRY AS A HUNTER.
➡ Let’s eat something, shall we? I’m hungry as a bear.
➡ I hate waiting for my lunch. I’m always hungry as a hunter.
#11 as happy as a lark
= cheerful, very happy (wesoły jak szczygieł)
➡ 1. When she bought a new dress, she was happy as a lark.
➡ 2 My gradma is 85 years old but always as happy as a lark.
#12 as proud as a peacock
= extremely proud (dumny jak paw)
➡ 1. When his son got into University of Oxford, he was proud as a peacock.
➡ 2. Julie’s novel was awarded for the first time last year. It’s a shame you didn’t have a chance to see her – she was as proud as a peacock.
#13 as quiet as a mouse
= very silent (cichy jak mysz)
➡ 1. I didn’t even know that she came back home last night – she was as quiet as a mouse.
➡ 2. They were doodling being as quiet as a mouse.
#14 as sick as a dog
= very sick, vomiting a lot (poważnie chory)
We can also say: ‘(AS) SICK AS A PARROT’ but the meaning is different and it means very disappointed (rozczarowany do głębi)
➡ 1. Last Thursday we went to a restaurant and I probably ate something stale becasue I was as sick as a dog.
➡ 2. Susan was sick as a parrot when she found out that Jack was going to leave the country.
#15 as silly as a goose
= silly, extremely stupid, particularly foolish (głupi jak gęś)
Another expression with the same meaning is ‘(AS) SILLY AS A SHEEP’.
➡ 1. I was silly as goose hoping that one day he would change.
➡ 2. He turned out to be as silly as a goose for the umpteenth time, making the same mistake again and again.
#16 as strong as an ox
= someone who has a lot of strength, who is very strong (silny jak wół, silny jak byk)
➡ 1. John is as strong as an ox. He can lift heavy things with ease.
➡ 2. A new engine in our machines, strong as an ox, can last up to fifteen years.
➡ 3. Don’t grapple with him, he’s as strong as an ox, you will lose.
#17 as stubborn as a mule
= very stubborn, not willing to change their mind (uparty jak osioł)
We can also say ‘(AS) OBSTINATE AS A MULE’.
➡ 1. Why do you never take my advice? You’re as stubborn as a mule.
➡ 2. Luke won’t change his mind no matter what you do. He’s as obstinate as a mule.
#18 as timid as a rabbit
= shy and fearful (płochliwy jak zając)
➡ 1. Giving a speech is a nightmare for me because I’m as timid as a rabbit.
➡ 2. I’ve always thought that Julie is as timid as rabbit but it’s not true – she can stand up for herself when it’s necessary.
#19 as wise as an owl
= really smart, clever (mądry jak sowa)
Another expression with the same meaning is: ‘(as) wise as Solomon’.
➡ 1. I like listening to people who are wise as an owl. You can always learn something important from them.
➡ 2. After so many years of his life he should be wise as an owl, but in fact he acts like a fool.
Oczywiście nie są to wszystkie porównania ze zwierzętami w języku angielskim. Wybrałam te najpopularniejsze i najczęściej używane. Jeżeli interesują Was inne idiomy i ich zastosowanie, to zapraszam do tej zakładki – Idiomy angielskie.